Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Isn't the mind controls us instead we control the mind?

This post has been pending since long. I watched three movies: I-Robot, Transcendence and Eagle Eye couple of years back. These were science-fiction movies.  This draft has been sitting here on my blog waiting to be finished.  Those movies themes were when machine gains the consciousness and controls the world. This will happen or not we may not know in this lifetime. We can speculate or try to predict the future. It will help to find the solution to avoid inevitable. 

However, when I tried to relate this with my own conscious and subconscious behavior. It gave me goose bumps. Isn't it that the mind controls us instead we control the mind? It is frightening to see that it's happening inside me and within everyone. We are habit creature. Our lives are run in an auto - pilot mode. There is no conscious thinking or awareness within me most of the time. I am not able to choose the food or thoughts which I want. Our five senses are gathering so much information and we lack the ability to filter in the present. All our filters have been installed long back. My conscious efforts to change always work in the short term. We are constantly trained to think that job, money is the most important things and we cannot survive without it.

Those movies ended with the destruction of those systems. How to find a path to self-discovery through self-awareness? Be in the present.


  1. just an addition to what you have said..

    when we learn new things one may actually feel the conscious efforts we need to grasp especially if its a physical activity. This i experienced when i was learning table tennis.. that since i was used to playing badminton now i had to again train my brain to calculate the distance between the bat and the ball since the bat used is different.. as we learn the skill we do the action unconsciously without paying attention to the actual nit grits everytime.
