Saturday, January 25, 2014


The poem or the text from the Tao Te Ching is insightful which carries a deep meaning for me. I am still pondering on this thought of ALL is ONE and ONE is ALL since the last eight years.  Here is this text that explains the concept of Oneness in a beautiful way. Leading to the great Tao (the way) of life.
Tao Te Ching- 
What cannot be seen is called the invisible. 
What cannot be heard is called the inaudible.
And hence are mixed together as one. 
This “Oneness” is not much brighter in the sky, as It is not much dimmer on earth. 
It is not more glorious in a saint as It is not more fainter in an ordinary person. 
It is everlasting and cannot be named. 
It is the original void of “non-being.” 
This “Oneness” is the Tao which is invisible, and formless. 
It may be regarded as vague and intangible. 
When the Oneness Tao comes forward, Its front cannot be seen. 
When one tries to follow It, one cannot see Its rear. 
By abiding with the original Tao, one can master the presence. 
He who knows this “Origin,” shall know the teaching and principle of the Great Tao....

I am always meeting, seeing or reading everything, which points out to the concept of ONEness.  The title of my blog is ALL is ONE/ ALLis1. My first time to embark upon this concept of All is One, when I was watching the Japanese serial, Full Metal Alchemist (Episode 28 - One is All, All is One). Then I came across The Three  Musketeers, which has this Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro UNO is a Latin phrase that means "One for all, all for one" in English (Wiki). The similar meaning that everything is one, although it looks too different. 

I was taking Molecular Dynamics course two years back. In the first lecture, Professor asked a question that what is fundamental thing in the universe. I rarely answer questions in the class, although I know the answer. I answered in a second that it is an atom. Then he showed the Richard Feynman's  quote. I don't remember the exact question or that quote from the lecture.  I found his beautiful poem  “I, a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe.” 

In my opinion, life is explained by a carbon cycle. We come from where, we go back to the same place. Everything is made up of carbon or the atom - the ONE. The universe is made up of atoms. We still take so many forms from the basic atom block. No two living things are alike. No one remains the same at the passing moment. The diversity and change  are the universal truth. The truth is to understand the meaning of anything which you can find using your own awareness. What you believe is truth for yourself. We all are part of that ONENESS. We are that collection of an atom or carbon or whatever you imagine or think about it.  Connecting dots from everything I am experiencing, reading, understanding and inhaling. 

And I am moving towards the ONENESS......................

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