Thursday, February 13, 2014

Unchanted words : You will find a way

Not your upbringing matters
Not your circumstances
You will find a way
If you believe in yourself
You will reach  the stars

Not your skills matter
Not your dream matter
You will find a way
If you persist
You can one day grab the star

Not your past matters
Not your future matters
You will find a way
If you just be in the present
You can be the star...

Saturday, February 1, 2014


I am contemplating this thought that "Enlightenment is nothing but to be able to live in the present moment". When we can let go past regrets and future worries, we can truly live in the present.  Why it is hard to live in the present moment. The human being is a creature of habits and long instilled beliefs. We are what we habitually do or think or believe. We were never taught the importance of the present during the important learning years as a child. We hear, learn and read as we grow older in this life journey. Enlightenment is complex concept and it is not for me.

My journey towards enlightenment.